Streamlining the digital home of industrial safety



Fike, a leader in industrial safety, develops life-saving equipment for use across the globe. Their vision, to eliminate catastrophic loss of life and assets for companies around the world, is nothing short of critical for thousands of businesses. With such a weighty goal, our challenge was to streamline their website experience, making it easier for people to find the products they need and faster for Fike’s internal team to update.


Simplifying Complex IA

When you have long names like “3MTM Novec TM 1230 Fire Protection Fluid” and “IR3 & UV/IR Optical Flame Detectors with HD Video,” creating an information architecture anybody can understand is going to be a challenge. Fike’s previous site was difficult to navigate and didn’t provide viewers with enough information to make important decisions for their business.


Starting from scratch

While core elements of the brand stayed, the rest of the site was completely overhauled. Through an extensive UX process, site architecture was reworked and new site search/filter functionality was introduced to get users where they need to go faster.

Alongside a shiny new sitemap, the site received a much needed facelift. Through clean type, large imagery and a bold use of color, we arrived at a new visual language that emphasizes quality, confidence and leadership.


A Better Experience = Higher Traffic

Reduced friction results in less frustration which, ultimately, means more leads. Since Social Driver launched the new in May 2019, there has been a significant increase in site web traffic and site performance including a spike in unique visitors and average session duration.  In terms of key page performance, the Knowledge Center is now the second most visited page on the website, with 20,075 sessions.

We are also able to track form submission on pages including but not limited Contact Us and Newsletter Sign-ups in an effort to better understand lead generation and how users are interacting with the website. Since launch, the Contact Us form has received 5,021 submissions and 285 users have subscribed to the newsletter. When compared to the previous period, there has been an increase of 30,398 sessions, 27,592 new users and 10 seconds in average session duration.









How We helped

Website & Technical Strategy
User Experience (UX)
Content Planning
Responsive Website Design
Multilingual Translation Integration
Google Analytics
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Ongoing Support & Maintenance
Video within a cellphone sized window.

Search & You Will Find

Frictionless search and filtering options empower viewers to find what they need.

Fike's search funtionality

Knowledge is Value

The Knowledge Center offers a lot of value to existing and potential Fike customers, so we created a completely new taxonomy that is intuitive to users, allowing them to search and sort using terms and categories that are familiar to them.

Products You Can Find

We surfaced the products to a main landing page, intuitively organizing them so users can easily browse or drill down to a specific product. Plus, we created a robust product tagging structure so related products are now featured throughout the site, whether users are researching in the Knowledge Center or browsing Fike’s specific industries or solution areas.

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