Turning Entrepreneurs’ Dreams Into (Augmented) Reality

Entrepreneur Media


Entrepreneur, a renowned business publication, partnered with Social Driver to develop a creative campaign that leveraged social media augmented reality (AR) to create an engaging digital experience for its audience. Employing creative problem-solving, sophisticated platform insights and clever design, we designed and launched an Instagram filter that made entrepreneurs shine and reached millions of people.


Creating a People-Centered Brand Activation

As one of the world’s leading brands in business media, Entrepreneur reaches aspiring and established leaders worldwide. They wanted to launch an Instagram filter that would elevate their brand among current and new readers–and promote their advertising client, State Farm. Entrepreneur tapped Social Driver to help carry this concept across the finish line. Our goal: create an engaging design, launch a successful brand activation that met platform requirements, and amplify results using a social media campaign strategy.


Bringing an Acclaimed Business Brand into Augmented Reality

What up-and-coming entrepreneur hasn't dreamed of being on the cover of Entrepreneur Magazine? Social Driver partnered with Entrepreneur to turn those dreams into (augmented) reality for its audience, creating a memorable association with its brand. Our team brought together Entrepreneur’s engaging concept with our expertise in planning and activating social media campaigns. We designed and launched an immersive Instagram filter that mimics the cover of Entrepreneur–putting audiences front and center while cleverly co-promoting Entrepreneur and State Farm.


Creating a Snapshot of Success

The Instagram filter campaign generated millions of impressions and opens, cementing Entrepreneur as the go-to brand for ambitious business leaders and creating a halo effect around the State Farm brand. Entrepreneur was proud of these results–and has engaged Social Driver for similar campaigns based on this successful outcome.

How We helped

Social and Digital Media Strategy
Social Media Creative
AR Filter

Creating a People-Centered Brand Activation

Navigating community violation guidelines can be challenging–particularly with two brands featured in the design–so experience and persistence were key. Our creative team designed several iterations to comply with platform requirements. The result: the filter got up and running with little delay, garnering instant engagement.

Video within a cellphone sized window.

Educating and Building Excitement

The client had a clear vision for how they wanted people to use the filter, but some audience segments weren’t familiar with Instagram filters. Our team came up with a creative method to educate them–collaborating with Entrepreneur editor-in-chief Jason Feifer to create an instructional Instagram Reel for the filter, which Entrepreneur posted on its account.

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