April 2, 2019

Social Driver Supports LearnServe International as Innovators Sponsor at 2019 Gala

On April 5, Social Driver will support the LearnServe International 2019 Gala as an Innovators Sponsor. We asked some clients, members and alumni to reflect on why they support LearnServe.

Driver Foundation

Social Driver is supporting the LearnServe International 2019 Gala as an Innovators Sponsor on April 5, 2019. The awards gala celebrates the success of LearnServe’s mission to equip high school students from diverse backgrounds with the entrepreneurial vision, tenacity, confidence, and leadership skills needed to tackle social challenges at home, in the Capital Region, and abroad.

Social Driver has supported LearnServe - the nonprofit partner for its Washington, DC, office - since the company’s founding in 2011. Team members and clients have gotten involved as mentors, Venture Fair judges, Boardroom Champions, donors and more. In recognition of the company’s support, Social Driver was named LearnServe International’s Civic Champion in 2017 and One of Washington’s Most Charitable Companies in 2018 by The Washingtonian.

We asked some clients and team members to reflect on why they support LearnServe:

I have been involved with LearnServe since April 2013. I have been a mentor, a panelist, a judge, a facilitator and a HUGE advocate for LearnServe ever since I became involved. I love how LearnServe actually works to make an impact. It is incredibly tangible. Students go through a step by step process to create their venture. I also love that students from all walks of life can participate. If a student wants to see change, this organization can help make that happen.I highly recommend organizations get involved with LearnServe. Their volunteer opportunities are a win-win. It is a great individual volunteer opportunity where you can really feel like you are changing the life of a student and their community. It is also a great group activity. Each year we have a group of Social Driver employees volunteer at the Venture Fair and every year we receive amazing feedback from the participants.
- Leslie Albrecht, Vice President of Operations, 
Social Driver

I became a supporter of LearnServe International through my relationship with Social Driver. It’s co-founder Anthony Shop is a proud ambassador for the program and invited me to participate as a judge for LearnServe’s annual Incubator Pitch competition. I was wowed by the students’ passion and dedication to developing and presenting their business ideas. It is clear to me that supporting LearnServe Fellows today is one of the best ways to help grow the “game-changing” social entrepreneurs of tomorrow! 
- Ernestine Benedict, Chief Communications Officer, 

“We are grateful for Social Driver introducing us to the important work of LearnServe International. The firm’s enthusiasm and support for LearnServe International inspired us to learn more and to discover it’s also part of the Catalogue for Philanthropy, which we know means it’s ‘one of the best’ nonprofits in our area.”
- Adam Shapiro, CEO/President,

Social Driver’s values are at the core of why I’ve been involved with LearnServe over the last four years! I was introduced to LearnServe at a Social Driver retreat, when I was stunned as, one by one, we were introduced to high schoolers endeavoring to change the world and not waiting to do it. The students truly embraced the values of “believe we can do better” and “ask questions, even if you think you know the answer” by creating projects to build a better world and seeking feedback along the way. Even though I’m a Social Driver alum now, I’ve stayed involved as a mentor, mentor coordinator and member of the LearnServe Growth Council, because, to borrow another one of Social Driver’s values, LearnServe helps me and all of its volunteers “feel good at the end of the day”. As Social Driver knows, the future is bright and LearnServe proves that!
- Matt Scott, Manager, Storytelling and Engagement,

I learned about LearnServe a few years back while I working at the digital agency Social Driver and was so inspired by the amazing students and comprehensive programming that the organization maintains that I got further involved. I have had the pleasure of leading educational sessions, judging innovative company pitches and co-chairing the annual LearnServe gala. For young professionals looking to give back to their community and get inspired by the younger generation I cannot recommend LearnServe enough.
- Emily Rasowsky, Founder + CEO,
Women in Tech Campaign & Customer Experience, SparkFund